
Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Random photographs I took using Ced's SLR. (More photos after the jump)

My favorite shot :)
I love taking pictures of flowers!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Fight Between Two Wolves.

An old man once told his grandson:
"A terrible fight is going on inside me. A fight between two wolves. One is evil, it represents hate and anger. The other wolf is good, it represents empathy, love and compassion. This fight that's going on inside me, is inside every other person too, even you."

The grandson then asked, "Which wolf will win?"

The old man replied, "It's the one that you always feed. Keep that in mind."
(via my Posterous)

A Kiss Of Summer.

2010 brought me so much joy! I had the best summer yet this year, I had the most number of realizations, went out of the country (and I got to wear boots! I'm on a roll!) and I fell in love :')

All that and more, I tell ya.

But FIRST(!) here's Part 1 of my Marinduque trip last March:

(More photos after the jump)

A pocket full of sunshine!

Monday, October 4, 2010

What a moment this is for me~!

I remember making my very first account several years back and it brought me a jar of nostalgia! That one was silly and quite embarrassing though because it was too pa-cute and it wasn’t my name. Hahaha! After about 10 years, here I am making another account in Sanrio Town.

Hah. I know I just turned 23 but you gotta agree with me on this— Sanrio just never gets old;)

E-mail me! Hahahaha.